Gina Ross

Listen to Gina Ross on UBN Radio 9-11-13- CLICK HERE

International Trauma-Healing Institute –

Foundation for Human Enrichment-

Taj Hamad and the wonderful members of WANGO –

Author of “Natural Highs,” Dr. Hyla Cass –

The Missing Piece:  A New Understanding of the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict
Watch Video Here

My Personal Art Gallery:

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An amazingly powerful technique known as Somatic Experiencing® - SE® - has changed the lives of Trauma Bookspeople around the world. Originally developed as a technique for therapists to treat deep trauma, SE® is now widely used as a tool for Emotional First Aid, stress release, and a body/mind rebalancing technique. Just as you can use diet and exercise for physical health, you can use SE® as a way to achieve emotional and mental balance and to heal from trauma. This series of books provides an overall grasp of the concepts of trauma, how it interacts with the brain, and the underlying reasons for healing. It introduces the parts of the technique that you can be used for healing. The books provide information about:

o Nature and symptoms of trauma and tools to heal or cope with it
o Impact of second-hand trauma on you, your family, friends and culture
o Media-related second-hand trauma and guidelines to avoid and/or heal it.
o Collective trauma and how you can be part of collective healing

By reading and practicing the exercises you can build prevention and resiliency habits, accessing the technique for yourself, your colleagues and sharing with family and friends.

News- Gina Ross


Jerusalem Post, January 1, 2009, by Xanthe Steen

I Feel it in my Body - Gvanim Association, June 2008.

Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal, 2008

Ma'ariv June 16, 2008

IFEEL June 18, 2008

Makor Risoh June 2008

AT - June 3, 2008


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